Best Hot Romance Novels of 2015
We are getting close to 2016 and we have had some great reading this year to keep us hot and tantalized! Many books have gone to the...

How to have 'the talk' with your teen about sex.
Having the 'sex talk' with your teen may be a little different than when you got it many years ago. Now with movies, video games,...

How to Fend off Post Holiday Blues in the Bedroom
So the recycling bin is overflowing with wrapping paper and boxes, the lights are down and the adrenaline rush to the holidays is now a...
Yoga for Sex: Positions and Connection
Tantra sex has been around for thousands of years and until recently I didn't connect the fact that Tantra is India based where Yoga is...
Signs She Wants to Have Sex
Whether you are in a new relationship or have been waiting a while, here is a breakdown of when a lady wants to move to the next level. ...
Music and Sex | Better or Worse?
Music in the bedroom is a very personal thing. It can either help with the sexual mood or hinder it. We have all seen the movies or TV...

Sex for the Ages | 20's, 30's, 40's
Let's start with sex in your 20's. Every one is excited to be out on their own, either in college or a fresh new job and usually have a...
Your Body Image and Your Passion, What is Stopping You?
Nobody ...I mean no body is perfect. Yet all of us have those little voices in our head, we look at the models in magazines and in...
Keeping Love and Passion Alive..even in old age.
How do you know if your love is going to last all the rest of your days? Does love run out? Does the love run out with your kids, or...