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Yoga for Sex: Positions and Connection

Tantra sex has been around for thousands of years and until recently I didn't connect the fact that Tantra is India based where Yoga is also deeply in veined in the culture. So Tantra Yoga Sex makes sense to me and I understand how the body, the breath, the emotions and release you experience with yoga can make for very deep connecting sex.

Here are a few positions that will not only help with your overall body image and confidence, your health and stress, as well as your pain and stiffness, but it will take your sexual encounters to a whole new level.

1. Cat/Cow Pose

This pose is done on all fours and you can easily do it at any level. It stretches out the back, core and hips while strengthening the pelvic wall similar to kegal exercises.

2. Cobra Pose

This one opens up your heart chakra area, stretches your core and adds flexibility to your back while stretching the hips and adding arm strength and it helps increase sexual intimacy.

3. Plank Pose

This pose strengthens the upper body, the core and all of the muscles associated with holding yourself up while being straight and steady with control.

4. Bound Angle or Butterfly Pose

This one uses the knees fluttering out with feet together and warms up the groin, stretches out the lower back and opens up the hop for full flexibility.

5. Bridge Pose

This also opens the hips, you will see a theme here since we carry so much emotion in our hips and they are the gate to our sexual intimacy as well. It strengthens the glutes, the thighs and the knees as well while stretching through the spine and neck.


6. Camel Pose

Camel is something that you can modify or do in full if you are accustomed to yoga. Camel makes the whole body vulnerable and you have to practice trust as you strengthen your core and back while you guessed it...opening your hips. You have to put your head all the way back and let your heart reach the sky in full giving of yourself.

7. Savasana - Rest

This is the best part after all that work, you now must completely relax..very good exercise for receiving pleasure...and focus your mind ONLY on the present. This is very important when you are sexually intimate so that you are connected and aware.

For extra Tantra try caressing the 7 "chakra zones" on your partner, kiss them and send love their way. Focus on G-Spot stimulation and massaging the chest where both the root chakra and heart chakra live. This opens up the body for connection and flow. Rock your bodies together instead of jarring or thrusting. The rocking and stimulation connects you to a deeper stimulation and and acute awareness of touch. Keep eye contact often and synch your breath, holding each others gaze and ohm. Lastly, touch one another on the heart and focus on its beat and finish in a spooned position for complete chakra synch and total body connection.


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